Here is Detail Guide of Some Bikram Yoga Postures and Benefits

Bikram Yoga Studio Bali
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The Bikram Yoga Series builds all postures on the previous one. Thanks to the combination and order of the exercises Bikram Yoga offers you great benefits.

At the end of the lesson, oxygen-rich blood has been delivered to every cell in your body and you have moved your spine in all directions it was designed to move to strengthen your nervous system. Bikram Yoga heals and prevents injuries, strengthens body and mind, and improves your overall health.
The order word of the postures is partly based on a Western understanding of anatomy and also on the Eastern knowledge of postures (asanas), breathing (pranayama), and meditation. With this East-West combination, Bikram Yoga has beneficial effects for all sorts of typical Western health problems caused by stress, overeating, poor posture, and a hectic lifestyle. Here is some of Bikram yoga postures

Full Locust Pose | Poorna-Salabhasana

bikram yoga postures - YogaFXPurposes and Benefits:

  1. Improves function of liver and spleen
  2. Increases spinal strength and flexibility
  3. Firms muscles of thighs, hips, abdomen, and upper arms
  4. Strengthens deltoids and trapezius
  5.  Invigorates mental focus and perseverance
  6. Relieves backaches by invigorating entire spine, also
  7. Strengthens abdominal muscles, hips, thighs, and upper arms

This is the 3rd of the back strengthening series and is meant to create pressure in the middle part of the spine. Just like the posture before the degree to which you can keep your arms and legs straight and muscles contracted the more effective you’ll be at getting your back muscles to contract and you’ll effortlessly fly into the air.

Bow Pose | Dhanurasana

bikram yoga postures - YogaFXPurposes and Benefits:

1. Works entire spine
2. Boosts circulation to heart and lungs
3. Improves oxygen intake by opening rib cage; this enables maximum expansion of lungs
4. Upgrades functioning of spleen, kidneys, liver, and small and large intestines by massaging abdomen
5. Enhances digestion
6. Opens shoulder joint, also
7. Helps correct posture
This is the last of the back strengthening postures and is meant to create pressure in the whole spine, top to bottom. This is a big stretch for the front side of the body while strengthening the muscles along your spine. All you have to do is kick as hard as you can, look back as far as you can, and remember to breathe. Don’t be tempted to pull on your feet, just kick and be sure not to let your legs go too wide.

Half Moon Pose

bikram yoga postures - YogaFXPurposes and Benefits:

1. Provides quick energy and vitality for your practice session
2. Corrects any issues with posture or with lower-back pain
3. Strengthens thighs, calves, and all of body’s central muscles
4. Exercises circulatory, glandular, pancreatic, muscular, respiratory, renal, and skeletal systems
5. Improves bowel activity by toning abdominal organs and spinal nerves
6. Firms and trims abdomen, buttocks, hips, and waistline
7. Lessens anxiety and mental stress, also
8. Increases spinal flexibility

The posture is Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose. The name is different in Bikram yoga than in other yoga styles, where this pose is called Standing Side Stretch.

However, This pose strengthens the abdominal muscles and the spine and stimulates organs necessary for digestion.

Dead Body Pose | Savasana

bikram yoga postures - YogaFXThis is the very last thing you do in class and it is essential to getting the benefits from your yoga practice. It is the same as the one you do between the floor series postures on your back. However, the difference is that your eyes are closed. Give yourself at least 2 minutes in this position to fully relax and if possible allow your heart rate and breathing to slow down. This moment is when your body (and mind) processes what you did for the entire lesson. Your muscles have a memory and they will remember what to do the next time you come to class, just make sure it is as soon as possible!

Bikram is one of the most popular styles of yoga in the world. Founded by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s, Bikram yoga consists of 26 yoga asanas and two pranayama exercises that never change. The class is done in a “hot room” which is heated to 105°F (40°C), to replicate the temperatures in India.
However, People who practice Bikram yoga practice these postures and pranayamas to stretch and strengthen their bodies and the heated room helps to go deeper into the posture and sweat out toxins. Specifically, Bikram Yoga is often referred to as the 26+2 which makes up the 26 same poses and 2 breathing exercises. The conclusion, most poses are performed twice and they’re typically held between 6-60 seconds depending on the pose.

Challenge your balance with Garudasana. This is the only posture that taps into all major joints of the body by strengthening.

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Ivara Kartika

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